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8 Signs of Dehydration in Pets

Dehydration in pets occurs when the body loses more fluid than its taking in. Our furry companions need to maintain their fluid intake inorder to keep bodily functions running smoothly and to prevent dehydration-related health issues.

The scorching heat is no doubt draining and a major cause of dehydration. Dehydration in Pets can be prevented, if we recognise these early warning signs.

Dehydration warnings to watch out for

Dry Gums and Mouth

One of the key indicators of dehydration in pets is dry gums and mouth.

Lift your pet’s lips and gently press your finger against their gums. In a healthy well-hydrated pet the pressed area will appear white for a couple of seconds before returning to its normal pink colour almost immediately. Healthy Gums should feel moist and slippery but if they appear dry or sticky, this could signal dehydration.

Poor Skin Elasticity

Skin elasticity is another crucial factor to check for signs of dehydration in pets. This can be tested by Pet Parents by gently pinching the skin at the back of your pet’s neck or between the shoulder blades.If the skin doesn’t spring back to its normal position immediately, your pet may be dehydrated. The longer it takes for the skin to return to its normal position, the more severe the dehydration.

Loss of Appetite

Normally when your pet is dehydrated, they tend to lose their appetite and ignore food or treats offered to them. This further eliminates the moisture content which they would normally get from their food. This creates a vicious cycle where dehydration worsens due to decreased fluid intake, leading to the pet’s increased reluctance to eat or drink.

8 signs of dehydration in pets

Photo by Anthony on Unsplash

Sunken Eyes

Dehydrated pets often have sunken or dull looking eyes. Well-hydrated, healthy pets have bright and alert eyes. If you notice your little one has lack lustre and sunken eyes, it could be a red flag for insufficient hydration.

Increased Heart Rates

Dehydration can lead to increased heart rate in pets. When your pet is dehydrated, there’s a reduction in the volume of blood circulating through its body. To compensate, the heart will beat faster, resulting in an increased heart rate. It’s best to monitor your pets pulse for any abnormal changes and seek medical attention if needed.

Weakness or lethargy in pets

If you as a pet parent feel that your furry friends are sluggish, not responsive to their surroundings and have reduced energy levels there is a high possibility that your pet  is dehydrated. Broths made from all natural products could be a good solution to fight fatigue. Besides, you can also make Popsicles with the broth and serve it to your pet as a refreshing treat during hot weather or as a way to encourage increased fluid intake.

Reduced Urination

It is important as pet parents to pay attention to your pet’s urination habits. If your furry buddies show a reduced frequency in urination or their urine colour has dark-yellow hue and a strong smell, it is again a sign that your pet is dehydrated and proper measures need to be taken. Additionally, if they are straining or show signs of discomfort while urinating, it could signal a more serious issue requiring immediate attention.

Excessive Panting

While panting is normal for dogs, excessive panting especially when combined with other symptoms could be a sign of dehydration. It would be better to monitor your dog’s panting pattern, during the hot weather or after physical activity.

Untreated dehydration in pets leads to failure of vital organs such as kidneys, liver and heart. It can cause Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Gastrointestinal (GI) Issues and an electrolyte imbalance. Dehydrated pets have weakened immune function, making them more susceptible to various other infections. In severe cases, it can lead to shock and collapse.

As pet parents it is crucial to keep an eye on these signs and symptoms and address dehydration in pets promptly!! Prevention is key, so please ensure that your pet remains properly hydrated at all times, particularly during the hot summer months. With proper care and attention, we can keep our pets Happy, Healthy and Hydrated!!

To know more about how to keep your pet Hydrated you can check out our blog on Tips and Tricks to keep your pet hydrated.

Check out Alfie & Claire 100% natural and nutritious hydrators CLICK HERE

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